Review DaisyChain WordPress Responsive Theme

This is my personal review of DaisyChain Premium Responsive Theme for WordPress

I started with the freeware version and was impressed right away. After a quick install via WordPress theme repository DaisyChain went live with no errors. My old widgets were saved to an inactive widgets area. Just drug them to DaisyChain’s right sidebar.

Next and most important to me was to test the theme for HTML5 compatibility and it passed with flying colors. Next was to test it’s structured data compatibility and that was good too. Then after seeing that was good I added a header and background image. Made a few tweaks here and there but decided to purchase the premium theme $19 USD.

The premium version ads a lot of tweaks. It uses Google fonts so it’s easy to find one you like. You can easily style your colors with DaisyChains internal color picker. Select font sizes for just about every element in the theme. It also has a custom CSS toggle where you can further fine tune it’s style to your liking.

Support After The Sale: This theme is developed by TT Themes in Czechoslovakia. I have to admit i have kept up with SEO and social media changes. But never tackled CSS before. Thomas Toman was extremely helpful after themes sale. I sent him a slew of separate questions how to do this and that with CSS and have received a near immediate response in reply.

Here is a screen shot of of this blog with my completed styling of DasyChain Responsive WordPress theme.
daisychain premium responsive wordpress theme
DaisyChain uses several plugins. One for a header image slider, and another for bread crumb navigation. Since i use Yoast SEO it’s best to use his bread crumb navigation code snippet. Just pulled the single.php file up in WordPress internal theme editor and pasted the code. I put it at the bottom of the page. Think it looks better down there.

This theme displays perfect in my Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone and Samsung Tab 2 tablet. Bottom line here is. I am really impressed with DaisyChain and especially the fast friendly support i received. Five big thumbs up! Thanks again Thomas 😉

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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